Water Consciousness installation

Water Consciousness

One of my favourite things that I collect is Water or as I like to call it Water Consciousness. Why? Due to 1001 reasons and counting:

1. Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface and 96,5% held by oceans, this is a large constituent of energetical area, don't you think?

2. If that is not enough, let's consider the fact that it also exists on land as lakes and rivers, but also glaciers. I grew up in Siberia and where you had amusement parks, I had Ice Sculpture Parks and owned a sledge instead of a bicycle. Water in its hardened form is Ice.

3. Water is in the air and is a part of the soil, but can be found underground. 

4. The Human Body: Blood 83%, Brain 74,5%, Kidneys 83%, Liver 86%, Bones 22%, Fat 20%, Skin 70%, Connective tissue 60%

5. What about animals? Dogs like humans are nearly 80% water, so your where beagle is 63%, a mouse is 80%

It is undeniable that water is paramount. How many hours without it can you last? 

Its importance finally became devastatingly visible in the last years. Water is life when alchemically water equals emotions. An overflowing cup means you are full of love. Temperance, a Major Arcana card in the Tarot is depicted by an angel on Earth pouring water from one cup to the other. A sign of a balanced emotional state or flow. 

When we are in the flow of things we feel peaceful. This is what I call Emotional Ecology. A prerogative of one. Collectively if we were to take responsibility for our own Emotional Ecosystem, I m certain we will see that reflected in our environment. This is why an ocean of emotional awareness is also regarded as the Consciousness itself.

To vouch for such approach I invite you to titled 'Water Consciousness' at Forging the Self exhibition at The Koppel Project Gallery in London. The exhibition has now been extended to 9 of April 2021


- tap or filter water

- spring, waterfall, sea, and ocean water

- snow and rain

- moon and angel water

- crystal and intention charged water

- tears of sorrow and/or joy

Last 2 images by Rocio Charon