A World of CONTROL
No matter where you are geographically today it is a World of Control. Stricter rules, higher borders, political regimes at our throats. Lets look at the world and what control means to us today.
Having found this beauty at the Riviera park in Sochi, Russia the other day, I found the resemblance to the World card in Tarot uncanny. It is the final card in the journey of the Fool, who takes on the world and evolves, acquiring different archetypes to his arsenal: Magician, Hermit...etc
The World signifies the completion of a cycle. The end, marked by the entry through the Saturnian Wreath of time and space. Getting it done, coming to a finish line. Saturn 🪐 is famous for its social order, conformity and limitations.
I feel …
We’v been walking away from past or future towards the present
Allowing the presence of what is
Letting go of the Form, moving towards the Formless
From the Seen towards the Unseen. That which is yet to be manifested.
From Self to the None Self
During this reset collectively we’ve experienced a shift in values. What is really important in our lives? Focusing away from the energy of clinging to what we want but allinging to what is authentically showing up in the present. A hard lesson to learn. If we wanted to move, we had to accept the sitting..and so on.
Did you feel the heaviness and pressure release on and after 5 July 2020? I personally experienced a closure. The final eclipse 5 of July with the Sirius Portal opened is said to be not only the end of a corridor of eclipses but an end of a cycle of eclipses that lasted for 1,5 years on an axis of Cancer (emotional, personal happiness, private life/relationships) /Capricorn (career/work, outer expression, karmic bonds) having started in June 2018.
The biggest work for me around these 3 month of energetically concentrated stillness was the release of Control. I always knew how much I truly struggle with being controlled, how I control others, how I force things and people into being a certain way through judgment and expectation and how I force myself to be a certain way. There is control about how I come across too, a heavy censorship. There is just so so much control…and believe me I worked on that, but this confinement has triggered a new layer of dealing with these issues, taken them to a depth I could not shake off unless I evolve.
Today I'm closely looking at things I can't control. Places, things or people I cannot visit, do or have, force to love… and we will, always. Nothing outside of us is of any control. CONT-rol, it is almost one has to roll with contradictory opinions, situations and circumstances, whist staying true to ourselves no matter the havoc around… Hey :) easy does it, right?
There are two types of Control: Inner and Outer. The later is not our dominion, unless we are fighting a bigger fight, human rights, for example, otherwise if our egoic self is pushing, forcing anything to conform, to use a Saturnian word, we better release it. What comes in then is Trust, such a big big thing! Huge! I probably must write a whole new piece just on that. There is so much behind it. Trusting that all is well and will continue to be…This time in Russia, the sea helped me release and keep releasing and trust…a little more each day.
The one and only kingdom we own is ourselves and this is what we can and must have - a healthy form of control. This control is a beauty in disguise, because Being in Control, means standing in your Power, knowing your worth, truth and being authentic and internally free with who your being is, because this comes from a space of connectedness and conscious presence, it will allow for full expression and compassion that will never hurt the other, since other is self.
It is the time when The World opens up and a new upward spiral begins for the Fool…