Voice of Source

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My top 3-4 ways to balance vibration

Dear Reader, I want to share with you my 3-4 to go ways of bringing myself in balance. At the top of my list is:

1. NATURE WALK 🌻 Earth Consciousness

Mother Nature being a mother is so nurturing, it will always give and fuel you from within. Even if you sit still and watch trees move through your window you will connect with a beautiful flow and aliveness of all the elements of the Plant and Animal Kingdoms. Of course, if you can and feel brave and there is an opportunity to get out, drive to a trail, camp outside or visit a country home; to really take time and connect to herbs living down your street, birds flying over the plains… to merge with it : do it full heartedly.
I sit still for hours of meditation. My eyes half closed, observing the flow of life around me. Sounds, smells, claps of wings and wind at work…It is mesmerising if you really deeply look and it indeed is the most profound way to give to yourself. Feel how you are a child of nature and really explore the grounds.

Mother Earth welcomes you here, cradles your being and if you treat with care every blade of grass and the soil it grows on all the way to the little ant 🐜 you shall discover your kingdom of heaven is here, on Earth.

I m sure you have read, seen and experienced plenty of benefits from this connection. It is most definitely grounding.

  • 2. MEDITATION 🧘‍♂️ Air Consciousness

Meditation is my second best favourite because nothing else feels so cleansing, rejuvenating and insightful as turning your focus to the internal part that is you. I m used to Vipassana meditation mainly, having done several meditation retreats in order to integrate it into my everyday and reap the benefits of its long term commitment.
When we meditate we give attention to our body. In return our body loves us for it. What is attention at the end of the day? It is what we all want. Attention is love, the giving of time and space herein to yourself.
It is unbalanced how much energy we put outwardly and how often we forget about ourselves and our balance. Placing the focus internally we follow the breath, heat, pressure, pins and needles, movement of turmoils or emotional heaviness inside us and just by acknowledging it we create balance and harmony.

There are numerous benefits that are now confirmed by scientists, but with years of practice I can personally confirm that I heal my headaches, attend to my emotions and even receive insights and visions by going within.

  • 3. DANCE 💃 Fire Consciousness

Dancing is my childhood love. It has forever been one of the most freeing experiences one can manifest. Whenever we had guests at home I would rock the dance floor as a teenager. The power of the body to move to the rhythms is magic, an opportunity for the body to express itself.
Essentially dancing is a movement meditation. Together with music 🎧 one transcends an ordinarily reality and connects to non ordinary ones as per shamanic journeys.
Dancing I believe is foremost a fiery practice, but it can be done in a slow/yin or in fast/yang ways. I feel Spirit is always dancing be it from happiness of dervish swirling, tantric awareness or shamanic trance.

In the last years ecstatic dancing became quite popular in spiritual communities in London. Having attended one of those gathering I’ve personally experienced dancing my spirit animal… What a joy! It is very important to dance your spirit guides quite regularly… I m sure we all got some catching up to do… 🦑 For these purposes I have discovered one of the most sophisticated binaural sound technology app called Synctuition. Binaural beats stimulate rapid communication between the opposite sides of the brain and have been scientifically proven to carry a huge range of benefits. Using Gamma (~40Hz) frequency range Synctuition synchronises the brain and relaxes the body. I personally would not say that all of the sounds on the app afe relaxing some of them are quite uplifting and create room for movement. There is also a progression and levels of depth that the creators of the technology have thought of. Apparently, highly disciplined monks who have been practicing intense prayer for decades have shown the ability to naturally move their brainwaves into the Gamma range for an extended period of time. For all the scientific benefits click here and to begin with 3-4 free sessions of introductory journeys visit my with my affiliate link:


Dance, dance, dance 🎶🎵🎶

  • 4 SWIM 🌊 Ocean Consciousness

Even- though I cannot live without plants 🌱, trees and animals, there is nothing else I long for more than being, living, feeling and seeing the magnetic energy of the ocean as it reminds me of the Consciousness itself.
Around 3-4 years ago on a boat back to Ibiza from Formentera I for the first time saw The Ocean…for the first time in my life I connected to its energy and power… nothing else I desire and want more then to be in connection with its beauty, strength, led- like magnetism and soothing energy. I love you Ocean and will Marry you this year :)

So much to do with the water energy: surf, dive, snorkel 🤿 . Tranquility guaranteed.

All these ways to balance yourself may seem so simple, but do not doubt the profound nature of doing at least one of these 4 regularly. An everyday connection to your Body or/and Nature, via a practice of meditation, by dancing your spirit and finally by simply sitting on the beach will make you more aware and peaceful than you think. Try doing all 4 once a week and share your results.

My blessings!