Chakra Ballad Reading

Chakra Ballad Reading


This is private session where I use natural elements, crystals and tarot cards to channel through your current energy state on every chakra.

You: if you have a burning question or if there is something you want to work on, we can address it.

This is a great assessment session and a good way to get introduced to each others energies as I look at the overall situation in relation to the now.

Me: I will bring presence and Spirit will allow guidance to emerge.

How does a live session looks like:

  • I meditate for around an hour prior to your arrival

  • There will be water and tea through out the session if in situ

  • I cleanse your energy with a maraca and let you know of any kind of messages about energy blockages in your body

  • Next I set 4 incense to 4 directions around you on outside the fabric that you are sitting on that is usually placed on the ground or in close proximity to Earth as possible

  • I lay out crystals chakra by chakra according to your body. Whist I m doing that I will tell you what messages came through during the meditation

  • We begin the reading using tarot and oracle decks

The session lasts around 3 hours (both to receive and deliver), however it is best to let it run its course as I do take my time and allow guidance to unravel slowly.

I will tell you what energies and/or blockages exist around every chakra.

How does an online session looks like:

  • I meditate for around an hour prior to our session

  • We connect during the first 5 minutes of the zoom ( like a mini meditation together)

  • I cleanse your energy with a maraca and let you know of any kind of messages about energy blockages in your body if they arise

  • Next I set 4 incense to 4 directions as if you are present here with me, usually placed on the ground or in close proximity to Earth as possible

  • I lay out crystals chakra by chakra according to your body. Whist I m doing that I will tell you what messages came through during the meditation

  • We begin the reading using tarot and oracle decks

If you prefer a recording don't hesitate to request.

My pledge:

Being of service to the Universe is a blessing and I am grateful for my ancestors, teachers and training intuitively guiding me in this process of self-deepening, healing and expantion of consciousness.

At the basis of it is the underlying principle that everything is connected and alive. Healing takes place automatically from the initial seed of intention.

For all sessions there is preparation work that I do on my own prior please take that into consideration.

This is an intuitive, self-developed reading using a combination of healing modalities, shamanic journeying, mediumship, crystals, divination, psychic abilities, tarot…

my spirit cv is here

All sessions are confidential.

Read blog posts about Colour Consciousness here and Chakra Ballad: Red, Chakra Ballad: Orange

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