Ajamil & Ganika’s parrot

Minor Arcana - Mind/SWords- FEAR

Zodiac- Mars in Gemini

Number - 9 of Mind (Swords)

Meaning: FEAR, turning a new leaf, Last minute, SINNER, Fright, Narayana, SAVed

The card depicts attractively jewelled woman in her rich red sari communicating to a parrot with an absent minded gaze in surroundings of a home on the right and Ajamila passing away, whist his soul is being taken by one of the 3 messengers of death, Yamadutas on the left. As servants of Vishnu come to the rescue, the fight between the two worlds for the soul of a man who is said to have neglected a Vedic way of life, married a harlot and for 88 years resorted to a life of crime, committing multiple frauds and thefts, eventually grants him mercy and entrance to Vaikuntha or a second chance in life after which he renounces evil practices due to his passionate call for this child.

This is a story of a compulsive sinner Ajamila turning a new leaf on his deathbed almost unknowingly by calling out this son’s name, Narayana. After a life full of sin, drinking and gambling his last minute cry saves his soul from the clutches of hell, because it is believed that using Vishnu’s name even as a mere utterance, song, recitation, joke, denoting another or even as an insult, erases all sins and is the purest expression of Bhakti. Moreover it is especially NARAYANA that is commended the most as it means the One who rests on the waters of creation.

Traditionally 9 of swords represents a fear, mental anguish, guilty consciousness, burden, regret, remorse, dark night of the soul, shock, spiritual revelation.

Similarly in the traditional deck this card depicts a figure on their bed with swords hovering above waking up from a bad dream. It is an allusion to the dark night of the soul where one faces an existential crisis. While it contains pain, there is also hope that this dark night will turn into a bright morning of enlightenment.

Iulia Filipovscaia