

This photograph feels so in line with what I am learning right now in September: brushing up on Alchemical knowledge of the systemic correlation between planets, metals, minerals, plants but most importantly applying practical skills to distil quintessences of things that in homoeopathic doses can alternate your being and hence reality. 

Like no other this artwork of mine reflects a concept of how pliable our reality is…structures and institutions we once might have believed in are melting in front of our eyes, ancient knowledge coming to the surface making us realise the power we always held in transmuting intentions into the matter.

The veil & illusion of stability and reliability for the old systems liquid-like Mercury at room temperature is eroding. We are coming to our sovereignty, self reliability and freedom.

Revealing a possibility to look for answers in new pastures, new ways of being and feeling… A great time to be alive, when humanity is called to stand into its fullest! 

✨Mercury (A Sage, Alchemist and Messenger) is going retrograde end of month ⏳let’s how it will play out in ⚖️Libra season. Expect delays, returns/comebacks & miscommunication in areas of commerce, technology, justice/law and relationships (🤞🏼all for the best!!! Remember your power of intention).

This project at the time felt very alien to me. The original roll was shot in Africa in 2010-11 and Vodun series have a very different atmosphere to them. This was unique and separate. I worked on it in summer of 2016, as if I wasn't ready to process it until then.

One night all of these works emerged.

Not only this raw material felt unusual, the process of collaging photographs themselves into one artwork wasn't something I thoroughly explored prior to this. For the sake of disclosure the roll has been been chemically manipulated before exposure, hence the erosion effect that can be witnessed. It is this effect that asked for a different process of creation, zooming in on the subject matter via he composition.

My all-time desire to photograph or durationally document the so-called “negative space” or that which reality or matter is not, what I know now is the home to all the Yin energy of the Unknown and Invisible, carrying the archetype of The High Priestess, has come closest in this particular project.

Sometimes words are not enough to conceptualise, this is when images come to help. Often the reverse is true. In any case, here we see, especially in the above image how the white section of the photograph is an integral part of it's structure and reveal of the subject. My life’s work is to reveal that which is so present, so important, so subtle and gentle that we forget it is here, but it is most profoundly important if not integral part of our existence.

List of works:

  1. “ Lick it”

It all began from the Blue Liquid Mountain - the first image you see in the gallery below. It felt like I could taste. The image called for me like a kids candy. I left this slide intact.

2. Liquidity

3. Her Quintessence

4. His Quintessence

5. Mushrooms

6. Alien

7. Vase

8. My feet

9. Untitled

10. Untitled

11. Dame

12. Jellyfish

13. Couple Quintessence