Spirit CV


Vipassana -13 days volunteering on a silent retreat course, London, UK

Sacred sights : Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

Sacred sights : Sedona, Arizona, USA

House of Ayawaska- 2 weeks retreat- Iquitos, Peru


Vipassana - 10 day silent meditation course (5th) Bali, Indonesia

Arthur Findlay College, Be your own Medium, UK

Vipassana - 10 day serving course Bali, Indonesia

Vipassana - 10 day silent retreat course (4th) Bali, Indonesia


Satipatthana Vipassana - 8 day silent retreat, London, UK

Vipassana - 10 day silent retreat (3th), London, UK

Vipassana 10 day silent retreat (2th), Bali, Indonesia


Understanding Alchemy, Tirta Usada, Tjok Gde, Ubud, Bali

Practical Plant Alchemy, Tirta Usada, Tjok Gde, Ubud Bali

The Planets, Plants and You, Tirta Usada, Tjok Gde, Ubud Bali

Vipassana at Istana, Uluwatu, Bali


Orca Whale Qigong: The Power of the Ocean with Ken Cohen, M.A.

Essentials of Shamanic Divination workshop, Dr Marta Niccolai, UK Faculty of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, online

Extraction workshop Dr Marta Niccolai, UK Faculty of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, London, UK - Certified

The Way of the Shaman workshop Dr Marta Niccolai, UK Faculty of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, London, UK - Certified

Family Constellation therapy


Sacred sights : Knossos Palace, Crete

The Art of Andean Healing Workshop with Peruvian Curandero, Anthropologist and Archeologist, Dr Ruben Orellana

Introduction to Shamanism by Leandro D’Andrea

Equine Therapy - 3-day workshop with Intuitive Horse

Family Constellation therapy

Sacred sights: Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James), Camino del Norte, Spain - Certified
Sacred sights : Glastonbury ( Heart chakra of the World) & Avebury


Amaravati, 8-day silent meditation retreat, Hertfordshire, UK

Sacred sights around the world: Stonehenge, UK

Alberto Villoldo - Masterclass, Energy Medicine─A Shaman's Miraculous Toolkit, online

Arthur Findlay College, Mediumship and The Emotional Intelligence of Spirit, UK

Tarot Reading private course

Dragon Healing with Momoyo

Multiple craniosacral sessions


The Knowledge Book, Solar Teacher


Atma Kriya Yoga Level 1 - Certified


Vipassana Meditation, 10-day silent retreat sit-in, UK

First Degree Reiki, Usui Shiki Ryoho, London, the UK - Certified

The Template - Awakening the Lightbody Matrix, London, UK


Vipassana Meditation, 10-day silent retreat, UK


The Landmark Forum

Trance Coaching - Ω (Omega) NEI Health Coaching - Roy Martina

We all have at least one. Perhaps a Work CV or Artist Resume and so on.

What about a Spirit CV, i.e. the list of work, energy and time one has invested in developing themselves. Doesn’t that matter? Especially now, with the current circumstances, what we rely the most on is the inner strength, which comes both from within as well as the professionals in the field for the big stepping stones.

For the last 10 years, I have been investing in myself. What do I mean by that? I looked for ways to find self-sufficiency yes on an economical level, but mainly emotional and mental as this would unlock the former.

I have experienced various healing modalities if you would like to know more or need a recommendation please don’t hesitate to get in touch.