Body Talks


Do you remember this groove by Imagination? 🎶🎵🎶 There is no perceiving this reality without realising the importance of the body. The body indeed talks to us.

On 27 April 2020 under lockdown I’ve noted down:

Taurus taught me how to connect to my body and the importance of having a daily routine of stretching. I’ve developed a Surrender Floor-Wall Practice, slow parkour of sorts benefitting from the containment of an apartment with the whole body flexed against the walls in a continuous flow across the angles and doors. Learning about the anchoring value of moving, dancing and singing my body, has created a new level of connection with it. I received a download of how the body is an instrument and we need to tune in every day to play it well. It loves our attention and care.

Our bodies are such a gift and wonder, but have we been neglecting it? I am not talking purely about healthy diets or workouts, which don’t get me wrong are great. It is the inner dialogue and relationship with the incredible fleshy and alive vehicle that carries us that interests me. The one space that you re in always unless you’re having an out of body experience 🤣. We’re not aware of the power we hold in communing with the magical body-suit. There isn’t enough attention, conversation and love given to it, so let’s re-learn, re-wire and thank our amazing and beautiful bodies for doing such phenomenal work for us day in, day out.

The body has been given to us for a reason. It is a tool through which we experience the reality that we are in. The more we attend to the body the better we understand the reality around us. I want you to consider how our bodies feel after we’ve attended to a self-healing/-loving ritual of applying an ointment on the skin after a bath which is especially noticeable during the moment of feeling the difference between the balmed and the none balmed body parts. It is distinctive. 

Side note: My all-time favourite herbalist and wizard Michael Isted has just launched a range of natural skincare and his new lotion is something I would love to try DAMASCENA HAND & BODY LOTION. In the meantime I recommend getting his book, it is a definitive must-have!

What about how your body feels after you intentionally focus your attention inwards during meditation or your tummy when you had a good laugh. Having laughed so hard you can feel a pleasure spreading across your belly. Oh, how much body loves doing that. It feels so so good, doesn’t it!

Those of you who love waking or better dancing, you know how satisfying body feels when you move it to the rhythm of the music and take you body on an expression of a feeling that frees your limbs up in space. Body love loves is it when we dance.

Same is true for the opposite. That is why it is so crucial to develop a faculty of noticing the changes of any kind. Every time you notice tension, contraction or clutching keep releasing it. Build upon that awareness and grow your body’s trust in balance, calm and relaxed states of being. Making your body feel safe and secure will have a beneficial effect on your posture, immune system and overall mood. 

It is extremely powerful to sit in the position of a witness of your inner volcanos and fears. I vividly remember a personal experience when a wave of painful concoction rose in my body when a partner told me something very hurtful, we all been there. No matter their reasoning for it which is pain, being able to see internally the rise of an emotion, prevented me to react from the same place of hurt. It is most empowering to build such a deep bond with your body so that when it gives you ‘a reading’ be it in a form of emotion or intuition you can see clearly with your internal system and decide how to respond to the data collected.

Buddha has done all us a massive favour by sitting under that fig tree and bringing forth knowledge of Body’s Intelligence. When you go on a silent meditation retreat, this is what your first lesson is: the body knows first. It is proven scientific knowledge and there are multiple examples of the body knowing what to do in extreme situations as the body reacts before the information is received by the brain because the body is a receiver. Its antenna is the best technology there is.

That explains how good it feels after a good hour of meditation or a dance-off. During a medi what you are doing is shifting your focus inwards and if you did a Vipassana retreat or something similar you will know how many different sensations body feels that we don’t even have a clue about unless we learn how to listen. It feels pressure, heat, pinching, heaviness, tension, itchiness, tingling… 10 days of silent retreat teaches you about your body and body’s incredible ability to communicate with you.

Future human has to know how to focus on their body, but what does that mean? What is that focus? When you are focused on something or someone you are essentially giving your conscious and undivided attention, looking after it, directing your gaze towards it, taking care of it and what does taking care or attention mean? Love! Yes, when you are internally scanning, your consciousness is placed on the inside of your interior you are loving it.


Those moments you spend internally have to grow with time as your scope is to get to a place where you are able to be in both places at once. Continuously present within and without, until the veil between both has merged.

In one way or another, I have been made aware of the body through my fashion brand LANA SIBERIE or my art as I often worked with people, portraits but also have been interested in internal workings and mechanisms. Last year I specifically focused on places of power within the body. Swirling vortexes of concentrated energy research have brought 3 works: DryadVocal Vortex and Reduced to Alchemical Angel into the world. for the past 7 years, I have been to 3 silent meditation retreats and attended multiple workshops to learn, develop and fortify my practice and communication with the body and what it feels. I’m still learning as it requires discipline, patience, so it may be slow steady progress but it is worth it.

One of my favourite books on Kundalini, for those who are interested in taking it a step further and having a glowing golden body

One of my favourite books on Kundalini, for those who are interested in taking it a step further and having a glowing golden body


I’m interested to explore what kind of things a body can do. Who doesn’t want to know what superpowers lay dormant in our psyche and bodily instruments? This is what I've gathered so far.

  • the body feels before the brain knows

  • the body loves to be loved and appreciated through attention, care, mediation, dance, movement practices

  • the body loves to be heard, by us listening to it

  • the body loves positive words and communication of encouragement

  • the body loves a gentle touch and heals with the warm energy of hands

*I‘m not going to into the healing modalities with energies for the same reason as I m not going into daily exercises and nutrition. This article is about the importance and value in your own relationship with your body and how to start listening to it!

Words and Language

A great technique is to speak to your body, ask it questions. 

I.Give your body/organ/feeling/illness a Voice 

When my therapist says to me if you were your heart what would you say? I love it, why? Because it is not your usual perspective. Instead of thinking that my brain knows, my body knows and my organs carry and store information that is important to me. This in fact could be a chronic disease that you can speak to and find out about its psycho-somatic protective mechanism that was put in place due to a past event.

The possibility to decipher what your heart or pain or illness is telling you can change your level of happy.

II. Body Chat

Dear Body, I am so grateful for you. Thank you, my Wonderful body for performing the miracles every day without any effort. Thank you, my Kind heart, my Spacious lungs, my Sparkling eyes, my Attentive ears, my Caring arms… I will keep listening, positively communicating and encouraging you as I know taking better care of you is taking better care of me.

Say ‘I love you’ to your body right now how does that feel? Do it three times at least slowly with an internal focus, close your eyes if it helps. It makes your belly want to relax and breathe slower: I love you, I love you, I love you - yes positive energy of the words especially said out-loud are so beneficial to your body and you.

III. Body insights

What other body knowledge do we have? We have all these body-words we use to describe how our body communicates with us. Let’s look at it deeper.

Instinct: a feeling + action

When someone instinctively knows what to do, what is that? Instinct is a knowing of an energy value with a desire to act on it. Two In One. There is a trust that the action taken is the right one. A knowing

Gut feeling: an intuitive feeling

A feeling in your stomach area intuiting about a situation.

Premonition: a knowing about an event

A premonition is a feeling of being sure about a certain event that is about to happen. Usually, a person receives information about it in advance for a reason, most often in a visual format.

You can see that the predominant thread that ties these insights is TRUST. You need to have developed trust in your inner knowing. Since the body knows before the brain, it has to work as a receiver of vibrations and frequencies and it needs the ability to translate the ways of energies or information it gathers back to us. This is why one has to get very well acquainted with deciphering bodily readings. It is more so important now. I will say time and time again the future of the human sits in the space of intuition and inner trust. Developing a body-listening faculty is being able to read energies within and without and taking action or non-action according to your guidance system. So get really comfortable within your body. It is the only one you’re given. Sit down for a conversation with it, set time to create a you-body-relationship. You’re inside it every millisecond of your lifetime on Earth. It is funny how we forget the most obvious thing that the one person we’re spending all of our time with is ourselves and our body. So, keep shifting your focus from being outward and every time you remember or catch yourself, bring it back inward with love and relaxation to all the parts that need it.

P.S.: I’ve just signed up for 7 courses of my liking at the Center of Excellence, see if you find something that suits your interest by clicking the ad below, use VOICEOFSOURCE461 on the checkout and enjoy.